How to use
Advanced Compound interest calculator is a tool for calculating the future return on your investment if you make extra investment payments regularly.
- Initial Investment : Enter the initial investment.
- Monthly Contribution : Enter the monthly amount to be added. From the second month on, the amount entered is added to the principal.
- Investment Period : Enter the investment period. The compound interest is calculated as many times as it is entered.
- Interest Rate : Enter the expected compound interest rate.
- Compound Frequency : Enter the compound frequency.
- Calculate : Outputs the result calculated.
Compound Frequency
The compound frequency determines when previously-occurred interest is reflected in following calculation.
- Annually : With annual compounding, one-year worth of interest is reflected in the following year’s calculation.
- Semiannually : With semi-annual compounding, interest accrued in the preceding half year is reflected in the following half year’s calculation.
- Quarterly : With quarterly compounding, interest accrued in the preceding quarter is reflected in the following quarter's calculation..
- Monthly : With monthly compounding, interest accrued for one month is reflected in the following month’s calculation.
- Daily (360/yr) : With daily compounding, the interest earned each day is applied to the following calculation. This calculator assumes a 30-day month and a 360-day year. So, actual results may vary slightly.